We are excited to welcome you to our Bethesda, MD dentist office. Our team is here to help you make your appointment go as smoothly as possible. We understand that visiting a new dentist’s office can be an anxiety-provoking experience for some patients. To help you feel confident about your upcoming appointment, please review this page to learn more about what to expect. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our office directly. Our office welcomes new patients of all ages, and we look forward to helping you improve and maintain your dental health.
We look forward to seeing you soon in our Bethesda, MD dentist office! To make your first appointment go as smoothly as possible, please review the following resources:
What To Expect: Your First Appointment at Bethesda Family Smiles
When you first arrive at our dental practice, you will be greeted by one of our friendly front desk staff members. They will ask you to fill our required patient forms before you are seen by our dental care team. To speed up this process, you can print off our patient forms at home and fill them out before you arrive. Otherwise, our staff members will let you know which forms we need from you and ask you to fill them out while you wait in the waiting room.
Once your required documentation is filled out, a member of our dental care team will call you back to our dental exam room. In the exam room, our team members will begin evaluating your teeth, gums, and jawbone. We will perform a thorough dental cleaning and periodontal screening. If you require updated dental x-rays, we will take those as well. At any point, if you have questions about our processes or procedures, we encourage you to ask questions. Our dental professionals are here to help you better understand your dental health needs.
After your cleaning and exam, Dr. Khanna will come in and visit you. She will examine your dental structures and make note of any dental concerns. This is the perfect time to ask Dr. Khanna about elective procedures that you may be interested in or discuss any symptoms you’ve noticed outside of the office such as tension headaches, jaw pain, or earaches. Dr. Khanna will provide you with a treatment plan to address any dental concern that is noted during your appointment. She will ensure you are fully informed about the recommended next steps to take to address your dental concerns.